



Duryea Hillclimb-2008



Pictures by Nial McCabe

Some pictures are a little fuzzy or goofy....I'm still "learning" this new camera


Nial McCabe's Race Events, Etc.~Regularly Updated

McCabe Vintage Racing Sprite

McCabe Racing Escort


I had hoped to run this '08 event with one of my race cars (Sprite or Escort: see below), but I called the phone number listed on the website and was told that I couldn't run unless I came Friday evening (which was impossible for me). Oh well........

Anyway, no problem. I brought my camera and MGB instead. This was the "maiden voyage" for my "new" '69 MGB. It ran 320 miles on the Duryea weekend with no problems after "sleeping" in a garage for about 20 years.

Wish I could have run it, but at any rate, it was still a fun event to watch.

My "new" '69 MGB.


Nial McCabe's Race Events

McCabe Vintage Racing Sprite

McCabe Racing Escort