


VRG at NHMS-2009

I am posting this on the VRG-Yahoo e-mail list. If you know of anyone who may be interesting in these photos, but is not on this e-mail list, please Forward this link to them.

There are TWO video links below and about 200 photos after these video links. The first photos are mostly "static" (in the garages) and further down you will find the "action" (on track) photos. In some cases, depending on your internet connection, your computer may "time out" and the photos at the bottom of the page will appear as "Red Xs". If this happens, press the "F5" key on your keyboard or the "Refresh" button at the top of your screen. You may have to do this several times to get the later photos to appear.


~CLICK HERE For In-Car Race Video~

Group 3 race, mostly me following John Faulkner's blue MGA and Paul King's yellow GT6


~CLICK HERE For In-Car Video (various practice clips)~

This is a somewhat frenetic compilation of video clips from the three days, squeezed into 10 minutes (the maximum Youtube allows). All video done with a cheap, solid-state "Flip" video camera (available for under $100 from Amazon, Wal-Mart, etc). All editing done using free Windows Movie-Maker software.


~Link to all still photos from this event~.


~Pictures from my early days in motorsports (late '60s / early '70s).
